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Cupecoy beach

These parasailing photos were taken on 23 Feb 2004 at Orient. We were at Pirate when the boat reeled in a pair. The colorful sail, the blue water, the bright sun, and Green Cay in the background were too much to pass up.

Parasail Parasail Parasail

Pedro's Beach These photos were taken on 23 February 2004. The one on the left was taken from directly in front of Pirate Beach Bar looking north past the burnt out buildings to Paradisio (now gone) and all the rest. There is now quite a bit of beach in this middle section. The photo on the right was also shot from the front of Pirate (now Zen Café looking at Pedro's.

This photo was taken on 24 March 2002. For the first time in a long time it was possible to walk on the sand from Pirate Beach Bar, past Pedro's, to the nude section.

However, in mid-summer 2002 the sand deserted the center of the beach. Although this is considered "normal", it isn't much fun.. The strip from Pedro's to TropiCafé had essentially no beach until early January 2003. The bars are there, Pedro's still has music, but there are no chairs. The clothing-optional area to the south still has plenty of sand, and even more people, and the area north of Paradisio, up through Kakao, Kontiki, and Bikini is fine.

Pedro's Beach

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